Hello! I'm David. I'm the mastermind of Pixel Dreams. I do the coding; matter of fact, I coded the website you're on right now! I program Python, HTML, CSS, and I'm getting a start on JavaScript. Not to mention, I also do UI design and, well, I'm the one who started Pixel Dreams! I'm the original member, and I'm not leaving until age pushes me out! I'd like to deem myself confident, determined, and, if i'm not gloating, I'd say I'm pretty talented! The reason that I'd deem myself talented is because, well, I'm taking on such a difficult job at the ripe age of 13! Well, 14 soon enough, but either way, it still seems a bit crazy. A little bit more on the topic of me now, I like to play chess! Also, you might recognize me from my past alias, "Arielz". Yep, that'd be me!